Changing Face

Date: 21 July 2020

If you’re a returning visitor to our website, then you might notice we’ve had a change-up with our website and brand imagery. Since we started out, we have used vintage stock photography across our brand. It seemed quirky, and fun, and quite ‘us’ – just a little bit different.  Soon, 50+ year-old ‘vintage’ stock images […]

How to ace video call interviews whether you’re hiring or job hunting…

Date: 23 June 2020

While some of the working world are returning to their jobs and adjusting back to normality as best they can, many of us are finding ways to get work done digitally, without needing so much face-to-face interaction. Recruitment is no different and we’re already seeing an upshot in requests for video call interviews. Telephone or […]

We Need To Be Outspoken About Racism

Date: 02 June 2020

things   need   to   change It is time to start being very vocal when challenged with great injustice, racism, and hate. On a personal, professional, and business level. Our business revolves around people, talented, individually unique, brilliant people of all races and nationalities. They are all equal and have the right to be treated so. The […]

Hip Hip Hooray…We’re 9 today!

Date: 01 June 2020

Well hello there, hi, fancy seeing you here, dear followers…oh, er…hang on. How do we do this again?! We are happy to be writing this to you as it means we are starting to slowly re-emerge from our gardens, sofas, greenhouses, and kitchens (anyone still baking banana bread out there?!) to resume recruiting. Well, sort […]